Keep breathing!

In Yoga, if you take a complex position, you are told to focus on your own breathing. This is also the secret for exercise. During the run, the continuous mind-body fight takes place and only the focus on breathing helps us to build that bridge between 2 opposite poles.

We don’t usually think about the way we breathe. Simple and mechanical we continue the inspiration-expiration process. It happens like this – involuntarily and uncontrollably. But the moment we are the heroes of a difficult event, we strain and even forget to breathe. And we refer not only to the physical way but also to the soul. When “our soul hurts”, it’s as if we can’t breathe. The sensations of panic, appear as a result of minimizing the inspired air. This is why to prevent panic attacks we have to learn breath exercising.

Being in a difficult stage in our lives, we are so touched by everything that happens to us that what we do is like holding our breath. Ironically, respiratory reluctance, which also applies to exercise, inhibits mind-body communication.

Forgetting to breathe means forgetting that everything is fleeting. Problems have the property of ending. Holding our breath, we believed that the pain must be endured, but not released. This means ignoring despair rather than getting rid of it. This means not understanding purely human traits: it is normal to have weaknesses, failures can catch us, we cannot keep everything under control. In such moments, we must simply continue to breathe!

Surely you have heard of the existence of breathing techniques. Such exercises help us to keep our attention focused on breathing, thus freeing our body and mind from tension. But, in addition, the wounds of the soul become smaller due to the following factors: loved family, trusted friends, nice acquaintances, sincerity, art, music.

Everything listed above, directly or indirectly (as you wish), can be considered “your breathing technique”. Thus, wherever we are, in whatever we are involved, let us remember or even better, say to ourselves: “Focus on the breath”. Sometimes all we have to do to overcome a complicated situation is to keep breathing.


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