Confusion of roles or who and what is doing in a relationship

Man’s responsibilities in a relationship:

1. To be the leader (to direct, to lead, to set the direction). Always to be brave and not afraid of taking the first step.

2. To find his desired work and be financially stable

3. Extend his assets and work in that direction (car, apartment, house, villa, etc.)

4. To be a serious and respected person in society. To be surrounded only by peers (culture, intelligence, etc.), people who would influence him to be better.

5. To appreciate, to love, and to respect his woman. To understand and accept the woman’s nature (hysterical, mood swings). To protect the chosen one.

6. To be authoritarian and authoritative. Lead the relationship/family. To be responsible for education within the family. To be a father

7. To set the direction and meaning of life

Woman’s responsibilities in a relationship:

1. To build, to support, and to maintain the family

2. To organize and do household chores. To make from “house” – “home”

3. To be faithful to her choice. To respect and to adores her man

4. To be friends her man’s friend

5. To take care of the psychological and emotional state of her man. To control her own emotions. To be soft and flexible

6. To inspire her man, without controlling him

7. To be a mother


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